Saturday, August 29, 2009

Whoever forgets history is doomed to struggle with economics, too

As you can see from the key, the red areas are safely in British hands, and they maintain a tense diplomacy with the Maratra and Rajput, get on with the Sikhs well enough, but continuing some difficulties with the Nizam, Kasmir, Derajat, and Sind. Soon it will be all ceded and conquered and then we'll go home.

A druggie, a snugglie, and three alleged thuggees

Dr. Robert Freymann
Doc of the Seven Dwarfs

Dr. Francis Tumblety
Dr. Thomas Neill Cream
Sir William Withey Gull

Thuggee, "borrowed" from the Indian like everything else the British "borrowed" from the Indians.

Take this simple test

Other possible treatment options

Dr. John the Night Tripper
Dr. Feelgood
Dr. Mabuse
Doc Severinson
Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius
Dr. Krankheit
Dr. Hugo Z. Hackenbush
Dr. Edward Quackenbush

Friday, August 28, 2009

Other leading doctors

Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dr. Phil McGraw
Dr. Charles T. Pepper
Dr. Benjamin Pierce
Dr. Benjamin Pierce
Dr. John McIntyre
Dr. John McIntyre
Dr. Galen Adams
Dr. Steven Kiley
Dr. Michaela Quinn, Medicine Woman
Dr. James Kildare (Lew Ayres)
Dr. Leonard Gillespie (Lionel Barrymore)
Dr. Lee Wong How (Keye Luke)
Dr. Adam Bricker
Dr. Leonard McCoy
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Dr. Wayne Fiscus
Dr. Victor Ehrlich
Dr. Paul Ehrlich

Dr. Pepper

The formula is frequently credited to Charles T. Pepper of Rural Retreat, Virginia.

Dr. Lee Wong How

French sexy today

forwarded from the crypto-primary decontextualized archives of a Brooklyn Freudian.

The way things are going

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Como Zoo gorilla diet

The western lowland gorilla is primarily an herbivore, eating over 200 types of plants, fruits, stems, shoots, bulbs, bark, leaves, pith. Less frequently, they may also feed on Pop Tarts, Little Debbie snack cakes, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Snickers, Butterfinger, Mars, Baby Ruth, Zero, Charleston Chews, Bit-o-Honey, M&Ms, french burnt peanuts, gummie bears, chocolate covered ants, marzipan covered termites, Fritos, Pringles, Cheetos, Hostess Fruit Pies, bear claws, long johns, Eskimo Pies, Nutty Buddies, Cracker Jacks, and succulent herbs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Orange alert

If a bunch of gorillas escaped, you could fit four tight in a stolen European car, and they would probably stop for a few on the way, by the time they got there they would already be sailing and likely get ejected before they step one foot in the place, six and a half hours for nothing, just because they wanted to hear somebody say, "Wor kid, ya skankin' radgie, hav yee gorra tab? an wan fer me eeeenaaar? A'narrh lest night a was minted, n'that. Nowt mullered, like, and a askt to lend a bar from my Kappa Slapper til a get my Monday book, and she skwarks til a nash outta there, sayin' 'ney botha.'"

What'll they think of next?

Geordie speak

Wikipedia provides a glossary of the Newcastle area, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, and Gateshead inclusive.

More Geordie slang

Alfie = To inform an authority about somebody’s actions; also known as "a grass"
A'narrrh = I know
Bar = A basic unit of charver currency, the equivalent to a full English pound
Barry = Good looking
Belta = Used for expressing how good something is
Bizzies = Police officers also known as the poliss
Bucket = Household or outdoor implement part filled with water providing tabless charvers with a simple method of getting their tits on an intake of tac or skunk
Chaw = To steal
Chiv = Knife or blade
Clivva = Cleaver
Couple-on = To leave someone two blars on a cigarette
Cowie = A pill, usually ecstasy
Crib = Where a charver sleeps; "Am gan to me crib"
Cush = Cool charvers also say cushty
Dain't = Don't charvers also say divin't?
Doiler or Dooley = Idiot
Eeenaaar = Female charver "hav yee gorra tab?" – "eeenaaar"
Fit / doer = Good looking
Fog = First
Fog-on = Polite request to finish someone else's cigarette or joint
Frisking = To joke "a was anly frisking man"
Geet = Has its own personal meaning; charvers understand this between them
Git = To exaggerate "yor git thick yee like"
Graft = On one's way to steal something
Grief = To give somebody hassle or to insult them
Heed the Baal = To head the ball or another word for a lunatic
Hew = Can also be pronounced "how"
Hoisty = Stolen vehicle
Hoo man = Excuse me
Hor = Her
Hotching = Stinking
Hoy = Hey you "hoy man"
Hoy = To throw something "hoy it arriz"
Hoy = To go out on the piss "am gan on the hoy; r yee comin?"
Kapper slapper = A female charver can also be called charveresse or a Sharon
Keep toot = To act as a look out
Ken = Charvers home also called yem
Knaa = I know, "a knaa"
Ladgeful = Used to express how bad something is "she's ladgeful hor like"
Lowie = Money
Lush = Lovely or nice
Mar = Mother
Mazzies = Temazipan a prescription drug which when mixed with alcohol will mong out a charver
Mental Mental Chicken Oriental = Used as an expression for something or somebody who is mad
Meth = Calling somebody to be a meth (tramp) or methin (trampy)
Minging = Smelly
Mint = Good, "that's mint that is"
Minted = Loaded
Mission/Mish = To be goin' somewhere
Monday Book = Child allowance
Monged = Off one's head usually due to drink or drugs
Mullered = Drunk
Mortal = Very drunk
MOT = Good lookin'
Mug = A foolish person
Narrh = Can either mean “no” or “know”
Nash = To move swiftly or to get away from the bizzies or one's enemies
Ned = Glaswegian charver
Ney Botha = No problem
Nippa = Partly smoked cigarette worn behind the ear
N'that = etc. or can be used instead of a full stop in any sentence
Numpty = Not a very bright person
Offie = Off license, a place of worship for charvs to purchase alcohol cigarettes and sometimes separates
Pasty baby = Child of a female charver so called because of all the crumbs and mess around them off their staple diet
Peeve = Alcohol
Puar = From the english word pure
Radgie = also another word for a charver
Rockies / ports = Rockport shoes
Scran = Food, also called munch
Shan = Not very good
Sharon = Female of the charver species
Skankin' = Foul-smelling/Bad/Stinking
Skitzy = Mental person also a paranoid person who can go skitzy off the effect of drugs usually cowie's
Skwark = High pitched vocalisation made by a Sharon
Snide = Counterfeit or false
Snout = A cigarette
Sound as a pound = Sound
Spacka boot = Platform shoe or pathetic footwear
Spark = To hit someone
Tac = A smokeable narcotic of dubious strength; you can also get skunk
Tatie = Potato or thick person
TWOC = Taken Without Owners Consent, usually used when going to steal a car or bike
Waxa = See belta
Whitey / cheese = Temporary illness due to too much intake of alcohol or drugs which usually makes them throw up
Why aye chicken pie = Indication of agreement
Well Aye = Charvas say this when they dont believe something some one has told them
Wor kid = "Our kid" But usually used to greet someone "alreet wor kid"
Wrecked = Off one's head due to drugs

Nearly impossible for codgers to read at the original site.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Global explosion

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back in the day

Sunday, August 23, 2009

How much

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Drugs and the present attention crisis

The Obama administration and Democratic leadership hung itself on bipartisanship out of the gate.

Doing politics inside the box of gentlemanly horse trading has slowly contracted into an arena so small that complete and utter idiocy can seize everyone's attention just long enough for the next misguided missile launch of poorly devised policy. Instead of writing a bill that serves a specific purpose, laundry lists of interests are wrapped into labyrinths so mind-bendingly dull that the leading cog turners have decided that drugs are the answer. Because journalists and "journalists" are at the forefront of dealing with this inane minutiae, they have manufactured a whole host of apologist articles about how "brain doping" is just what young turks need to compete in a world with Google.

But Adderall makes insights less brilliant than the carefully-researched and well-considered analysis of the unaltered mind, only exacerbating the problem. Meanwhile, Democrats think they're being righteous by clinging to "facts" and "analysis" and looking for the "truth" while the truthiness is pushing them right out of the mainstream. Because you can't supply well-reasoned thoughts of that type at the pace of the 24 hour news cycle, Dems look like scrambling, bumbling morons when they go on the tee vee and try to pitch their latest labyrinthine plan concocted by some Adderaddled twentysomething, even though same twentysomething is standing out of the camera shot smacking his forehead and saying, no it's a very simple 7 point plan!

Everyone's watching to see if their spons-- er, donors and "coalition partners" would be ok with what's being said, so the level of debate gets watered down one more level, until it resembles James Tyrone's whiskey. Well, everyone can enjoy a drink of a substance that thinned, but there's no party left.

-- A Capitol Hill policymanufacturer who does not need attention-enhancing drugs

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tried and true tactics

Friday, August 14, 2009

Natural progression II

Natural progression

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

certified also
