Saturday, August 16, 2008

Banned Dr. Hin?

When Spencer Tracy supposedly said, "Not much meat, but what's there is choice," in re: Katharine Hepburn, did he pronounce it "cherse" or "choy-eeze?"
Tracy was from Milwaukee and went to boarding school west of Topeka before returning to Wisconsin for most of his formative years, and considering he was a white man, living in middle part of the 20th century, he probably did not say, "choy-eeze."

Frybooks said...

Ahem ... the full and correct quote is - Not much meat on her, but what's there is cherse.

The subtle echo of "her" within "cherse" is typically dry wordplay for drunken writers of the time.

"choy-eeze"? WTF is wrong with you?

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