Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Important Notice to All and Sundry

From time to time, the Beagletown Bugle sends notices to hundreds of people nationwide with little or no confidence that recipients are in line with Beagletarian principles.

Beagletarians in good standing must 1) occasionally read the posts, and 2) well, it's just the one. But we are concerned there may be "subscribers" among us who do not wish to receive these periodic updates, and we find it troubling.

We still believe in Liberty with a capital L here, and we do not want to force anyone to read it against their will. We are not singling out the person who confessed they had no business getting the Beagletown Bugle in a recent poll. As with all polls, we assume that one person's opinion stands for ONE-FOURTH OF ALL SUBSCRIBERS.

We will hunt you down and take you off the rolls. At your request.


Stu said...

That dog looks like he might menace a beagle! Don't want him coming after me. Please keep me on the rolls.

Unknown said...

Keep me active as long as them enemy combatents are loose in the world advocating the violent overthrow of our gubmint by putting Confederate flags on their cars....